Sunday, February 28, 2010

Happy Monday

Another busy week is only a few hours away. However, I can't get to sleep. I'll put the blame on the whole pot of tea and later on the big cup of coffee. I've never been able count sheep so far. My sheep tend to run away rather than jumping over the fence.

If I cannot count sheep, why not calculate the total number of granny squares I'll need for the new blanket I started crocheting today, if I can be patient enough to finish it of course. During calculation, I might add two more squares to the last row. OK. I'm off to bed now. With my n basket and crochet hook for sure!

Have a happy Monday and a fantastic week y'all!


karga'nın günü said...

Why don't you teach me your granny crochets? I've improved my knitting skill, my grey cardigan goes really well. My next aim is to start a huge colourful crochet blanket with your help of course. Lots of love...

Handmade with love by G said...

With pleasure hon :)))) Let's first decide on the color scheme and then I'll help you with the blanket. You've improved your knitting for sure. It's hard to believe that a person who's only knitted several scarves could start a big project like that. The grey cardigan really looks beautiful ;)



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