Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Let it snow, let it snow...

This was how my workplace welcomed me this morning.

Since the students are away for the term break, the campus was unnaturally (!) peaceful and tranquil. If you wonder what I was doing at work during term break is that we are marking the final exam papers these days. I had to evaluate 52 compositions today and will be going on doing the same thing with another pile of 59 papers. Do I enjoy it? Of course not! But it still felt nice standing there, looking around and trying to spot the best angles to take photos.

There is not even a white spot in the city center. No sign of snow at all. However, the weather forecast people are expecting a snow storm on Saturday, so we might have some "real" snow here in the city center, as well. We'll see. There's one thing for sure though. With or without snow, we'll be freezing with a -10C at the weekend.

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